The “Fun” Funeral

You are unique, exuberant, a happy person. As you sit down to make your own funeral plans, you want the event to reflect that personality. Have a funeral that celebrates a happy, full life by doing the planning yourself. Here are some ideas to make your funeral service memorable and true to you.

Have a fun funeral by planning it yourself!

You are unique, exuberant, a happy person. As you sit down to make your own funeral plans, you want the event to reflect that personality. Have a funeral that celebrates a happy, full life by doing the planning yourself. Here are some ideas to make your funeral service memorable and true to you.

Location, location, location!

You don’t have to hold a funeral inside a funeral home. Think about a special place in your life, somewhere that means a lot to you. The willow tree where you first kissed your wife. The beach where your spouse proposed. The home that your children grew up in. The canyon where you hiked every week. The lake where you liked to fish. There are many beautiful places that represent your life. Think outside the box—maybe your funeral service takes place in a park at sunset. There is no need to transfer the casket to the site of the service, the location may be more important than the actual presence of the body.

Let’s have a little music.

Who says your funeral can’t include a little dancing? Make your own funeral playlist now, it will be a nice personal touch when the time comes to play it. Consider including songs that represent important times in your life—your wedding, your graduation, the lullabies of your children. Music is a powerful form of communication, one you can arrange now and your family can use later to feel connected to you. Perhaps you want live performances at your service, certain songs sung by certain people, or you request a string quartet. Make your wishes known now—your family will appreciate it!

Mood and Atmosphere

Family having a barbecue party

Consider outlining the kind of atmosphere that you wish your funeral service to have. Do you want to have a summer barbeque, even in the dead of winter? Are you interested in a quiet, peaceful gathering of reflection and introspection? Maybe you’re picturing a festival-type celebration with food and games and laughter. Include these wishes in your pre-need plans! Let your family know that you want Chinese lanterns on a beach instead of black clothes and casseroles.

“Live” Greeting

With the many abilities of technology today, you may consider making a video recording of yourself to be played at your funeral. You could record a final goodbye or, perhaps, make your own slideshow representing your fondest memories. Thank the people who have meant the most to you. Recite your favorite poem or sing part of a song. This would be a powerful way for your loved ones to experience a last goodbye that they may not have had the opportunity to experience.

It’s never too early to get started on your pre-need funeral plans. Have a funeral that reflects your life by making these plans yourself.

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