Connect with Home Office Support

Marketing and Sales Support

The Marketing Department provides tools and support to increase the sales of our agents. This includes supplies, lead generation, surveys, mailers, and contests. The department also provides creative services such as online marketing, advertising, branding, public relations and printed collateral.

(855) 765-4765, Option 4

Marty Rich
Vice President of Marketing & Sales Support
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11157

Sara McCulley
Director of Marketing and Lead Development
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11292

Janet Lopez
New Business & Sales Support Manager
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11346

Agency Commissions

(855) 765-4765, Option 2

Emily Schnell
Commissions Supervisor
Region: Email:
Phone: (855) 765-4765
Ext: Option 2

Policy Service and Death Claims

The Policy Service Department provides customer care to our policyholders and funeral homes. We answer customer’s phone calls, faxes and emails in a timely and professional manner. Our Customer Care Representatives work together with our agents, field management and funeral homes to ensure the policies you work so hard to sell are taken care of and remain with Security National. We appreciate the help from our agents and field management.

Jon Meredith
Director of Policy Administration
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11018

Brandi Turner
Assistant Manager
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11204

Death Claims

The Death Claims Department processes and pays all policyholder death claims. We work with individual policy holders, beneficiaries and funeral homes to provide fast and efficient service. Claims are normally paid within a 24–48 hour window upon receipt of all necessary information.

Alex Palacios
Claims Manager
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11363


Wendi Beauchaine
Chief Underwriter
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11212

Erika Sanchez
Texas Team Lead
Region: Email:
Phone: (800) 574-7117
Ext: 11293