The Little Things

Think of your favorite restaurant, your favorite hotel or your favorite grocery store. What is it about that particular place that keeps you coming back? It most cases, it's the little things.

Think about your favorite restaurant,
your favorite hotel, or your favorite
grocery store.

What is it about that particular place that keeps you coming back?

In most cases, it’s the little things.

I’ve been watching funeral directors for many years interact with families as they help them preplan their funerals. I’ve noticed one important detail about the funeral homes that rarely lose a family to their competition…the little things.

It’s the funeral director who walks the family to their car every time they come to the funeral home…rain or shine. The director who gets up from the arrangement table to kneel and pray with the family who feels lost. The counselor who sends a handwritten note every year to let the family know they’re thinking of them.

A fancy computerized podium can’t compete with a hug when I walk in the door. I’d rather have mints and hairspray in the restroom than drink gourmet coffee. And I’d much rather feel respected and cared about than watch a video on a 72″ plasma.

You see, it’s not about how big and fancy your facility is.

It’s the little things that you do for your preneed families that keep them coming back.

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