Guy Winstead is happy to welcome Liane Bania to Security National Life’s Pre-need Division as the Market Sales Manager for the Chicagoland/Northwest Indiana area.
Liane graduated from Columbia College with a bachelor degree in Mass Communications. After the loss of her in-laws many years ago, she was introduced to a career in funeral pre-planning and realized what a benefit that would have been to their family had they only known. Since then, Liane has worked as a funeral pre-arrangement specialist in the area for the past 10 years. She has assisted over a thousand families with their arrangements. As market manager her responsibilities are to meet competitive marketing needs, develop effective sales programs and secure heritage for local area funeral homes. She consults regularly with funeral home owners, firm managers, and active field sales agents to educate and grow their businesses and market share. She has a son who is an Eagle Scout and a senior at the University of Missouri and a daughter who is a freshman at North Central College. Liane is passionate about scouting and the benefits it has for girls and boys. She has spent many years volunteering as a Girl Scout leader, Den leader, Boy Scout leader and is currently still part of the local Sea Scout Venturing Crew. She has spent nearly the last two decades volunteering for her local church, elementary and high school by serving on several fundraising committees, and as a member and President of the Parents Club executive boards. Her greatest joy is spending time with her kids, her family and friends. Through Security National Life, Liane is looking forward to increasing the awareness of the benefits of funeral pre-planning.