Preneed Sales Training



Welcome to Security National Family of Companies! We look forward to our joint efforts in serving families across the nation.



Preneed Sales Presentation

This sales training video is designed to be a guide as you make a presentation to a family about prearranging their final wishes. It is a good idea to at least spend some time getting yourself familiar with the terms and process. You will find a similar written script in the downloads section.

Agent Advantage Webinar Series

Stay on top of the latest marketing trends and techniques with our Agent Advantage Webinars!
Security National Life’s marketing team holds a quarterly webinar designed to keep you informed about our marketing tools and inspire you with new ways to reach your clients.
Watch our previous webinars below and keep an eye on your email inbox for announcements about upcoming sessions.

Webinar TopicEnglishSpanish
Reach More Customers With Social MediaWATCH IN ENGLISHWATCH IN SPANISH
Marketing with a Customer Service FocusWATCH IN ENGLISHWATCH IN SPANISH


Funeral Home Advantage Webinar Series

We also offer our quarterly Funeral Home Advantage webinar to help preneed agents and funeral home staff better market their funeral home. Learn about Security National marketing tools, lead generation techniques, and ways to reach your community.

Watch our previous webinars below and keep an eye on your email inbox for announcements about upcoming sessions.

Webinar TopicEnglishSpanish
Digital Marketing & Your Google Business ProfileWATCH IN ENGLISHWATCH IN SPANISH
Marketing with Customer Service In MindWATCH IN ENGLISHWATCH IN SPANISH



Preneed Product Offerings 

We offer a variety of coverage and payment options to fit the needs of the families you serve. Click the button below for a printable brochure that highlights all the key features of our plans. 





Access Agent Portal for Telesales Application and more

Through your agent portal, you have direct access new business and Preneed App.

  1. Process Apps Quicker
  2. Process Apps More Effectively
  3. View Commission Statements
  4. Access the SNL Rate Calculator

Your agent portal gives you additional access to order printed applications as well as printed marketing materials such as brochures and tri-fold brochures — available in both English and Spanish, lead programs, newsletters, and so much more.

New to Agent Portal 2.0? Check out our video resources to find out just how easy it is to use!

Upload DocumentsCLICK HERE
Uploading Documents Using MobileCLICK HERE
Changing the Default LanguageCLICK HERE
Adding App Icon AndroidCLICK HERE
Adding App Icon iPhone/iPadCLICK HERE
How to Order BookmarksCLICK HERE

Work Your Leads with LeadHub

Security National has developed a solution to your lead management woes. Available exclusively to our producers, LeadHub can be accessed from anywhere via your agent portal.

Track your leads, view documentation, make detailed notes, and more – all from one easy-to-use place.

LeadHub gives you the tools you need for a more efficient, productive, and successful career.




How to Upload New Business

As mentioned above, you can use your agent portal to instantly upload new contracts.

STEP 1: Click on the “New Business” tile.

STEP 2: Click on “New Business Upload.”

STEP 3: Click on “New Business Only.”

STEP 4: From here you can add any additional comments. Click on “Choose File” when you are ready to upload.


Download Documents for Quick Access

We’ve compiled some quick documents available for direct download. You can also order these documents by placing a supply order through your agent portal.





Fast Start Contest

We offer a New Agent Fast Start Program. You have the opportunity to kick start your career by hitting milestone achievements in your first 2 weeks, 30 day, and 60 days after being appointed with SNL. Upon achievement of these milestones, you will be given SNL branded gear to further support your career.


Inman Travel Plan

We are proud to work with Inman to offer a Travel Plan to our customers.This plan covers the return of the deceased if death occurs 75 miles or more away from their legal residence.

At the time of your appointment with SNL, you were also appointed as a “marketer” with Inman. You will be contacted by Inman and provided a unique “marketer ID” to use on all Travel Plan sales including online and hard copy. Inman will also provide you with a packet of marketing materials.


Contact Us!

Agent Hotline: (855) 765-4765

In an effort to provide better agent support,  please call 1-855-SNL-4SNL  for specialized support. 

Press 1:     New Business
Press 2:    Commissions
Press 3:    Underwriting
Press 4:    Lead Support

Press 5:    New Hire Appointments/Sales Support
Press 6:    Marketing
Press 7:    Policy Service

Claims Fax: (866) 403-5365

Mailing Address:

Policy applications submitted by FedEx or UPS should be sent to:

Security National Life Insurance
433 Ascension Way, Suite 600
Salt Lake City, UT 84123

Policy applications submitted by USPS should be sent to our P.O. Box:

Security National Life Insurance
P.O. Box 57220
Salt Lake City, UT 84157

Funeral Home Partnership

We pride ourselves on our preneed product offerings, but we also offer marketing assistance to our funeral home partners. We offer several methods for lead generation and also provide additional marketing collateral such as the video below.


A Day In the Life of a Policy

Have you ever wondered what happens once you submit a policy? Watch the video below to learn more!

SNL’s Leadership Essentials

Our Director of Sales Development, Jeremy Cox, sat down with us to discuss SNL’s Leadership Essentials.

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