New Company Aims to Replace Coffins with Egg-Shaped Burial Pods


Two Italian designers are bringing a new meaning to “family tree.”
Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel proposed a plan to make cemeteries more eco-friendly by replacing headstones with trees.
It’s called “Capsula Mundi,” and it aims to replace coffins with egg-shaped burial pods.
The deceased would serve as fertilizer while encased in a biodegradable coffin underground.
Seeds are then planted on top of the pod, which will take the nutrients from the decomposing body to grow.
The concept is still just that and not an actual option, but it’s Citelli and Bretzel’s hope that in the near future, their project will replace stony cemeteries with lush, green gardens.

Each client will be able to choose their favorite tree

The people buried inside the pods will become nutrients for their chosen trees

“Capsula Mundi saves the life of a tree and proposes to plant one more. By planting different kinds of trees next to each other, it creates a forest. A place where children will be able to learn all about trees. It’s also a place for a beautiful walk and a reminder of our loved ones.”

Twitter, for the most part, is into the project.

One user says it’s a “great idea.”

Maddie Stone calls it ”Creepy, yes, but also kinda poetic.”

TwistedMonk is totally on board with it, as long as he could help an apple tree grow, whileCam_Wali prefers a mango tree.

So creepy or cool? I think I would want to nourish an orange tree! What would tree would you want to nourish?

Article found HERE.

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