Mother’s Day When Mom Isn’t Around

Coping with the death of a mother, no matter your age, is a complicated and painful process that can be especially difficult this time of year. Though Mother’s Day has come and gone, you can still celebrate a mother you remember by dedicating time to several mom-centered activities.

Use Old Photos in a New Way

Whether your old photos are boxed up in the attic or lovingly organized and on your coffee table, May is the month to break them out and use them for something new. Embrace the social media trend and re-create some old photos with your own kids or siblings. Thrift some vintage clothing, make an attempt to do the historic ‘do of “back then,” and pose in the exact same way (even the exact same spot!) you did in the old photo. This is a silly and fun way to spend a weekend with your loved ones, and the homage it pays to your memories will be just as special as the new memories you are making.

Another way to use old photos in a new way is to scan them into digital versions and create photo slideshows of good old times. This technology may not have been available when your mother passed away, and family members across the country will love and cherish a montage of memories that is both easily accessed and shared. Don’t worry—free compilation software exists and is easy to use!

Re-Define “Mom’s Day”

You probably celebrated the moms in your life that you can physically visit and pamper on Sunday, but did you spend time paying tribute to the mom you can no longer see? Find a day this month to re-define “mom’s day,” and revisit some old traditions your mom used to hold onto with your family. Maybe you combine all the holiday traditions into one day, like a crazy Christmas-4th of July-Halloween-hybrid. Nothing will teach your children or grandchildren more about your mother than you sharing your memories with them. They can experience pieces of your childhood this way, and you’ll feel the presence of those passed like you’ve never felt it before.

Go on a Visit

This may sound obvious, but visiting a grave site or resting place is something we often forget to make a priority. Take a picnic lunch, take a favorite book, and take a video camera. Your family spending time together is a great way to honor the woman who shaped who you are. If a cemetery doesn’t sound appealing, visit a favorite place your mother loved to go, or drive to go see your childhood home and neighborhood. Sometimes being in a place helps us remember things and people better because we can experience the smells, sounds, and tastes of that space.


No matter what your circumstance, we hope you spend some time celebrating mothers this month. We encourage you to make a conscious effort to set aside precious moments for memory-making and memory-sharing with your family.

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