Loyalty Sales Division Training | 1-855-SNL-4SNL



Welcome to Security National Family of Companies! We look forward to our joint efforts in serving families across the nation.


Agent Hotline: 1-855-SNL-4SNL

In an effort to provide better agent support,  please call 1-855-765-4765 for specialized support. 

Press 1:     New Business
Press 2:    Commissions
Press 3:    Underwriting
Press 4:    Lead Support

Press 5:    New Hire Appointments/Sales Support
Press 6:    Marketing
Press 7:    Policy Service



Training Steps to Success

Let’s get started on the right foot. Below are resources to help you navigate your agent portal as well as familiarize yourself with a few agent basics.

How to Reset Your Agent Portal PasswordCLICK HERE
Uploading Documents Using MobileCLICK HERE
Changing the Default LanguageCLICK HERE
Adding App Icon AndroidCLICK HERE
Adding App Icon iPhone/iPadCLICK HERE
Upload DocumentsCLICK HERE
Life of a Final Expense ApplicationCLICK HERE
SNL's Leadship EssentialsCLICK HERE

Agent Advantage Webinar Series

Stay on top of the latest marketing trends and techniques with our Agent Advantage Webinars!
Security National Life’s marketing team holds a quarterly webinar designed to keep you informed about our marketing tools and inspire you with new ways to reach your clients.

Watch our previous webinars below and keep an eye on your email inbox for announcements about upcoming sessions.

Webinar TopicEnglishSpanish
Reach More Customers With Social MediaWATCH IN ENGLISHWATCH IN SPANISH
Marketing with a Customer Service FocusWATCH IN ENGLISHWATCH IN SPANISH

Want to Learn Even More?

Our Agent Training Courses provide in-depth, self-paced video tutorials to help you succeed.
Learn about our products, how to submit a policy, Agent Portal, LeadHub, and more.
You’ll even find selling techniques and tips for overcoming objections.
Register using the links below.

Access Agent Portal for our Web Application and more

Through your agent portal, you have direct access to our web application as well as many other features:

  1. Submit applications faster and with fewer errors using our SNapp Life Web App
  2. Check the status of your submitted applications
  3. Receive instant underwriting issue notifications
  4. View commission statements
  5. Access the SNL Rate Calculator
  6. Manage your leads through LeadHub

Your agent portal also gives you access to our agent cart where you can order printed applications, event supplies, and marketing materials such as flyers and brochures. Materials are available in both English and Spanish. You’ll also find lead purchasing, past newsletters, and so much more.


Download Documents for Quick Access

We’ve compiled some quick documents available for direct download. You can also order these documents by placing a supply order through your agent portal.



Loyalty Family Support Plan

Our Loyalty Family Support Plan offers concierge funeral planning services for families across America. Our mission is to alleviate the stress of losing a loved one by connecting our subscribers to local funeral homes through our national network of trusted providers. By connecting families to a trusted funeral home, the Loyalty Family Support Plan allows them to focus on honoring their loved one’s memory.

Concierge assistance is available 24/7 in both English and Spanish. Members can add up to four co-members both inside and outside the household who can take advantage of this valuable service any time they experience a loss while the policy is in force. By adding this additional coverage, members can rest assured their loved ones will have assistance during one of life’s most difficult times.


SNapp Life Web Application

Are you using our new SNapp Life web application yet? SNapp Life is the easiest way to complete an application when you’re meeting with a client in person.

Automatically calculate rates, determine coverage, and collect digital signatures and ID. Applications submitted via SNapp Life have fewer errors and result in your applications being processed faster.

SNapp Life also has built-in Loyalty Family Support Plan (LFSP) integration that includes the ability to add co-members outside of the household and designate the Primary Co-Member. Select the SNapp Life/In-person eApp icon in your Agent Portal to get started.



Security National Life makes selling via telesales easy! Simply complete our online telesales application and then have the potential policyholder call the agent hotline to complete a short verbal authorization.

To reach our automated authorization, call the agent hotline
(855) 765-4765, select option 1 for New Business, and option 1 again to start the authorization process.

Make sure your client has all the items they will need for the phone call before they call to ensure the application process is completed, this includes: last 4 digits of their SSN, city and state of application, date of birth, bank or credit card information, height and weight, if they are the owner or payer, and their mailing address.

They will need to be in a quiet room, listen to the prompts, and be prepared to respond. After verbal authorization is processed by Security National, the application will be given to the underwriting team for risk assessment and activation.

If you would like to receive an immediate decision, please speak to one of our New Business Home Office representatives.

Work Your Leads with LeadHub

Security National has developed a solution to your lead management woes. Available exclusively to our producers, LeadHub can be accessed from anywhere via your agent portal.

Order your leads, track your progress, view documentation, make detailed notes, and more – all from one easy-to-use place.

LeadHub gives you the tools you need for a more efficient, productive, and successful career.

Thanks for Being Part of Our Loyalty Sales Team!

As a Loyalty Sales Division agent, you’re part of what makes Security National Life great. Thank you for all that you do!


Meet Our Team

Team MemberContact
Noemi Ortega
Founder of Loyalty Sales Support Group and Latinos Unidos
(732) 589-0487


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