It seems like every time I turn on the television or read the paper I’m reminded that the economy is still in jeopardy. Fortunately for Security National, our business is up and we’re expanding into new states. As I’ve been doing interviews over the past few weeks – I have found that there are some outstanding people looking for work and I hope I have the opportunity to align myself with some of them. It’s been quite an eye-opener to talk to individuals that have a strong education, dynamic personalities and outstanding sales experience, but because of the economy are unemployed.
While I have outstanding candidates to interview in some states, I have had some difficulties finding some in others. I have to admit up front that my wife calls me “picky” and a “perfectionist” and “practically impossible” – my response is that I’m a man who knows what he’s looking for. I’ve combed resumes, posted the position but haven’t quite found a group of candidates that are just what I’m looking for in a couple of states. With that said, I thought I might try this blog as an outlet for trying to give someone a great job in a down economy.
I am looking for an employee to cover the states of Georgia and South Carolina. I would prefer a Funeral Director background or some type of funeral experience/preneed experience – but that isn’t absolutely necessary. While I believe that most preneed companies are “product” driven – at Security National Life, we try to bring a service approach to our pre-need business so I’m looking for a individual that can buy into our marketing philosophy. As I said earlier – this is an employee position with a base salary, override on business written and monthly bonuses on production and an annual efficiency bonus.
If you think you might be interested or know someone who might be interested – please email me at: or call my office at 800-826-6803. You can also visit our career page by clicking on the link below, select that your looking for a job – fill out the form and attach your resume.
If you don’t have a resume, simply follow this link: and provide your information and I’ll contact you – it’s that easy!
We’re a great company with that family feel to us and I can’t wait to talk to you about this excellent opportunity as we expand!