Life Insurance Agent Community Outreach

Putting together a community outreach program isn't exactly a class you take in school. We're here to give you a few tips on networking in your neighborhood.

Putting together a community outreach program isn’t exactly a class you take in school. We’re here to give you a few tips on networking in your neighborhood.

young woman shopping at the market

Aside from places of employment, think about where people frequently find themselves. Is it their local grocery store? The hardware store, public parks, or farmer’s markets? When individuals are not at home, where do they spend their time?

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” – Coretta Scott King

Right now, we are going to give you a breakdown of the 3 steps you’ll need to take in order to make this event happen. So, say no more of, “I’ll do that someday,” when the time is now! Especially with the Fall weather just around the corner folks are bound to be out and about more!

Step 1: Select a Location

Brainstorm what would be the most effective location for you to get in front of more people. Think community events, popular public settings, etc.

Here are some possible places that could be worthwhile to you:

  • Public parks
  • Flea markets
  • Mall courts
  • Community events
  • Grocery store
  • Parking lots
  • Hardware store
  • Marathons
  • Farmers Markets
  • Senior Living Centers
  • Labor Day/ Memorial Day events
  • Industry Conventions
  • City Centers
  • Pop-up shops
  • Gas stations

Step 2: Take Care of the Roadblocks

Determine what level of permission or cost you need to consider setting up a booth. It is always best to be as courteous as possible and grateful where people let us sell. 

Do your research, call event organizers, look on websites for more information. For example, let’s say you want to set up a booth at your local farmers market taking place during an upcoming weekend. Find the website where you can reserve a spot for a specific amount of hours. Pay the fee and come with appropriate documentation for the organizers to set up your booth.

Step 3: Come Prepared

Now that you’ve arranged your plan as to where you will go, what exactly should you bring to ensure a successful booth that will attract foot-traffic?

Choose to come prepared. Think of all the possible things you might find interesting or appreciate if you were the prospect approaching your own booth. Here are a few things you may find helpful or effective to bring and utilize:

  • Dress professionally, you might consider wearing a Security National Life shirt.
  • Sturdy, but lightweight table that is easy for you to transfer and fold-up
  • A tablecloth to showcase your products
  • A banner to hang up on the front of the table
  • Swag to give away, pens, chip bag clips, T-shirts
  • Business cards to give away to potential prospects
  • Bottles of free water or canned sodas to give away; and if you really want to go the extra mile keep them in a cooler to stay icy cold!
  • Frozen popsicles for folks with kids stopping by your booth (Again, be sure to keep these in a little cooler with ice!)
  • Funeral fact planning sheets to spark curiosity and even inform individuals (Available in your agent portal.)
  • Fillable flyers for people to write down their name, and number for you to contact them at a later date

This is an array of different items you could bring to make your booth a showstopper, but just remember while presentation goes a long way, these are simple, sincere ways to show people you want to interact with them in a positive and meaningful way. Show them by your actions you have the means to help them and their family!

Maybe all of these steps seem like a lot to you, or maybe they do not. But just remember, YOU can have a positive impact in the community. Take the time to prepare, and show up charismatic and happy to sell. People will not only be attracted to your booth, but your optimistic disposition.

P.S. – We’ve got one more secret super helpful tip for you! – utilize the technology you have to your benefit. Go join all the Facebook groups you can associated with the community you are targeting. Often people post about local events, and neighborhood on-goings in these groups.

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