J.R. “Buddy” Winstead: One of the best men I ever knew.

As I look back in the blogs that I've posted almost all either refer to or relate to an experience with my grand-father, Buddy Winstead.

    As I look back in the blogs that I’ve posted almost all either refer to or relate to an experience with my grand-father, Buddy Winstead.  So much of what I think and believe in the funeral business comes from his influence.  So much of what I think and believe in life comes from his influence.  Many of my “ism’s” (as my wife so charmingly calls them) come from him.  Today, my grand-father died peacefully at his home.  I know we’re in the funeral business; I know that my grand-father would want me to remember all of the many, many wonderful times we shared; all the family’s he helped; all the good things he’s done for his family and others – but I cannot express the absolute sorrow and loneliness I have in my heart with his passing.  I knew this day was coming, but my heart is broken that it has arrived.  For my “Grandaddy Buddy” – I love you and miss you.  

You were one of the best men I ever knew…


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