How are you making a living?

Do you ever get stuck, doing what you have always done because it worked. But now it's not working?

There is a solution, thank goodness. Security National Life (SNL) has a number of endorsed lead generation techniques...and they all work!!


Do you ever get stuck,
doing what you have always done
because it worked…
But now it's not working?

Thankfully, there is a solution.

Security National Life (SNL) has a number of endorsed lead generation techniques…
and they all work!!

Two of the easiest ways to generate appointments are cold calling over the phone and door knocking.
No fun, you say? SNL provides a way to warm up your cold calls and set more appointments.
Printed door hangers are available through your market or regional manager. A screened phone list can also be ordered, so you spend your valuable time calling only those people you are looking for.

Strategize your time. Get your morning exercise while putting up the door hangers in the area where you have the names and numbers. If someone happens to be outside…bonus!! Someone to talk to. In the evening, call those folks, ask if they saw the hangers you left for them. Then set an appointment using the booklet promoted on the flyer. Do this and you will have combined three of our lead generation systems. In my experience utilizing these techniques will provide quality appointments that make more money.

If you are not asking the families you have sold to for places to go after you are done,
well, you’re just missing the boat. Here lies the difference between good and great in our business.

SNL has a simple non offensive way available to help with asking for referrals. So USE IT!!!

SNL provides a number of other great lead generation tools and support for both pre-need and at-need families. Talk with your manager to see which ones are the most in your comfort zone. The next step is for your manager to train you so you can get the most out of each of these programs. may You discover your next best lead generation method!

If you are in a slump, or you are new and it’s just not happening yet,
shake things up, do something different.

Most importantly, MAKE IT HAPPEN, no one else can but YOU.

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