Have you thought about transportation to a final resting place?

There are many personal reasons someone may choose to preplan their funeral. Here in South Carolina, people often tell me they are preplanning because eventually death is likely to occur away from their hometown.

There are many personal reasons someone may choose to preplan their funeral.

Here in South Carolina, people often tell me they are preplanning because eventually death is likely to occur away from their hometown. As a former resident of Ohio myself, I moved to South Carolina for “Beautiful Places and Smiling Faces”. Like others, I realized upon moving that when one like myself eventually passes away they would want their body shipped back to rest at their original home for visitation and burial services. This makes the final process more complicated and expensive than handling a local death. Similarly, with the large number of military veterans residing in South Carolina and Georgia, many wish to be placed to rest in Arlington. This can also be a complicated and expensive to organize.

At Security National Life we are able to offer the Guaranteed Travel Assurance Plan that for a one-time fee provides protection against death that occurs one hundred miles or more away from one’s home. This plan is an excellent resource for individuals who travel frequently for business or pleasure. But what should those individuals do who currently reside away from their home or desire burial in distant Arlington?

The key to streamlining this process for your family is to contact your funeral service provider and make advance plans through preneed insurance.

This will not only lock-in today’s prices, but provide the individual the peace of mind in knowing that a long-distance death and funeral service will not be a logistical nightmare for the grieving family.

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