Have you had a bad day today?

Have you had a bad day today? No matter how your preneed sales today have been, always return home with your head held high.
No matter how your day has been, always return home with your head held high.

No matter how your day has been, always return home with your head held high.

Today was the day that you woke up full of energy and enthusiasm.

You were focused and determined to obtain at least 10 preneed prospects, do four presentations at appointments you’d made, and at the bare minimum write three applications. Instead of this great day you planned, you arrive home with zero prospects, four appointments cancelled and as a consequence, zero contracts.

During my years of experience in sales I have lived through days like these and have to admit, it is not the most heartwarming thing that can happen to you. However, if you keep in your mind that your work is not filling out contracts but rather helping families then your perspective will change about your work.

You have been contracted to prospect, prospect, and prospect some more until you find that responsible person that really loves their family and wants to protect them. Your work is to leave every day to plant, and the harvest will come tomorrow. You should dedicate time to train and train, and to show interest in the people.
A prospect doesn’t care how much you know until he understands how much you care.

There will always be days like these that feel like a letdown.
It’s important to remember that preneed is one of the most noble and well-paid professions.
Always be proud of having followed through with your work and return home satisfied no matter what you’ve achieved. You did your part!

No matter how your day has been, always return home with your head held high.

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