Email Tips for Life Insurance Agents

This article was written by Samantha Overbaugh, on November 29, 2022

Crafting a first contact email is easy with a few helpful tips for preneed and final expense agents.

Email icon with business woman on a dark blue background

If you’re like anyone else in the world, you receive a variety of different emails on the daily. Maybe many of them are just ads or promotional emails, while others may be work-related or an expected email coming from a family member or friend. Your job as an agent when emailing a new potential client for the first time is to be concise and intentional in your reaching out. But what exactly does that entail?

In this blog post I am going to demystify and walk you through the different steps you should take when drafting up an email to a potential client. And don’t worry, it won’t take as long or be as tedious as you’re thinking it will to type up a successful email!

Subject Line

This is what will make you stand out in your client’s inbox, what you type in the subject line is a way to spark your potential client’s interest in opening your email. Here are a few suggestions to what you might possibly say:

  • Kelly Andersen reaching out to Karmen about preplanning
  • Hello Karmen, I am here to inform you about planning for your future
  • Here to help you plan today, for peace tomorrow, Karmen
  • I am here for you in your time of need Samantha
  • Hoping to help you Karmen
  • Can I help you, Karmen?
  • I am here to make your life easier
  • Here to help Mrs. Smith
  • Here to serve you in forming funeral arrangements Karmen
  • Hi, my name is Kelly Andersen
  • Following up about preneed for you Karmen Smith
  • Following up about final expense for you Karmen Smith
  • Please take a moment for this email Karmen


A polite email begins with some sort of hello, being sure to use the client’s name if possible. Below are some possible greetings you could initiate your email with:

  • Hello Mrs. Smith, how are you doing today?
  • Hi there Karmen, thank you for taking the time to give this email a look.
  • Hello Karmen, I hope that this email finds you well.
  • Hello Karmen, I hope you were able to have a nice weekend.
  • Greetings Karmen! I hope that you are having a wonderful day.
  • Hello, Karmen
  • Hi Mrs. Karmen Smith,

Introduction & Why I’m Here

This should be the very first paragraph your email entails. In the introduction it is important to introduce yourself, as well as state your purpose. Be personable, let them know you are a real person and how exactly you got their contact information. This gives you credibility and increases the chances your potential client will continue reading your email. Here are some ideas of what you might say:

  • My name is Kellie Andersen, I am an agent with Security National Life. Your email address and contact information was given to me by your daughter who I previously had the opportunity to sell a funeral plan to. She suggested I reach out to you and explain how I could be of service to you.
  • My name is Kellie Andersen, local agent with Security National Life. Your email along with others local to the San Diego area became available to me recently. Karmen, I am here to help you in planning ahead for your future.
  • My name is Kellie Andersen, and I am reaching out to you today Karmen as a local agent with Security National Life. I hope to have the opportunity to discuss how I can be of service to you!
  • My name is Kellie Andersen, and I am your new final expense agent in San Diego. I am here to inform you of the different funeral services and options that are available currently. 

End with a Call to Action

This is the next part of the email where you can either begin a new paragraph section or build onto your previous introduction. This is where you will captivate your potential client in a genuine way, helping them to feel you are truly here to help and alleviate the stress that can be associated with making these final arrangements. And, furthermore inspiring them to take action and continue communicating with you. Let’s jump into a few possible ways you could go about saying this:

  • Karmen, I am here to get in contact and begin collaborating on how I can best help you in planning for your future. Do you have any questions for me? I would be happy to call and chat sometime so we can find what’s right for you and your family.
  • Karmen, thank you for taking the time to read my email. What I am really here for is to help you in planning ahead for your future. This means making life insurance and/or funeral plans. The process really is simplified when you have someone to walk you through it each step of the way. And that is exactly what I am here for!

Closing Farewell

This part really is just a simple, formal, polite goodbye to your potential client. Here are a few ideas for you to consider utilizing:

  • Thank you for your time,
  • All the best,
  • Always here to help,
  • Here to serve you,
  • Best regards,
  • I look forward to talking soon,
  • Please feel free to contact me anytime,
  • Reach out to me whenever is best,

So, that’s maybe a lot of information to digest? Do not worry, let’s put all the pieces together and create a simple example email…

Hello Mrs. Smith, how are you doing today?

 My name is Kellie Andersen, I am an agent with Security National Life. Your email address and contact information was given to me by your daughter who I previously had the opportunity to sell a funeral plan to. She suggested I reach out to you and explain how I could be of service to you. Karmen, I am here to get in contact and begin collaborating on how I can best help you in planning for your future.

Do you have any questions for me? I would be happy to call and chat sometime so we can find what’s right for you and your family.

Always here to help,

Kellie Andersen


Preneed Agent at Security National Life Insurance Company

Maybe that email seems rather short but trust me- when it comes to getting ahold of people it is wise to be economical in our words. Lengthy, incredibly detailed emails as informative but they tend to receive less replies. These are all just outlines and ideas for you to use, please feel free to use your own ideas. If you’re ready to level up, here is a great article on how to make your email signature sell for you! Now, get to emailing those potential clients! When you’re ready, here is a great template for how to write a follow-up email that isn’t pushy.



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