Ever wish you knew a secret formula to success?

The Formula For SuccessHere I share a formula I learned about 18 years ago in a sales meeting. And some additions I found important in my own experience.

Ever wish for a secret formula to preneed success?

The formula for success.

I heard this formula for success about 18 years ago at a preneed sales meeting and was impressed by the explanation.

I will try to explain to you as it was to me, and then explain how I think it should be reformulated. In my Security National Life training today I use the later version of the formula.

First off, the original formula is simple.
D + S = A = success

First of all the D in the formula stand for DESIRE.
In other words you have got to want it. You have got to want it so bad that you can taste it.

[dropcap]S[/dropcap] The S in the formula stands for STUDY.
You have to study past successes and past failures and pick the right path. Only by learning from another person’s successes and or failures can we move forward with any chance of success.

[dropcap]A[/dropcap] The A in the formula stands for ACTION.
If you don’t take the first step you won’t succeed. The world is full of failures with a college degree.
In other words you must follow up everything you have learned and put it to use.

All three are good and I went on for several years with this formula for success: D + S + A.

Later I added one more letter P to this formula so now I think that it is perfected. So my formula is this: D + P + S + A = Success.

[dropcap]P[/dropcap] The P in the formula stands for planning. Every successful man or endeavor needs a plan.
A roadmap to preneed success if you will. You need to know how to get there and what to do when you do. You need to know what to do when you stall. What happens next? What if you come to a detour or a fork in the road. Which way do you go? A good plan is worth all the marbles.

So to end this, I would like to tell you the new and improved formula for success.

D + P + S + A = SUCCESS

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