Are You Visible to Potential Clients?

This article was written by admin, on November 22, 2022

blue sign that says, "Get more leads"Many final expense and preneed insurance agents are asking the same question, “How do I get in front of people, so they know what services I provide?” In fact, 49% of agents report that finding new business opportunities is their most daunting task, and that it presents a challenge as they build their client base. Whether you’re just starting out, and therefore need some facetime with potential clients, or you’re moving to expand your clientele and need access to new pools of people, making sure you are visible to those seeking insurance is key to capturing new business and cultivating referrals.

How to Physically Show Up

So much of insurance sales depends on networking. If you haven’t yet made it a priority to physically attend networking events, meetup groups, or trade shows, see what happens when you give those a try. There is something powerful about good-old traditional meet and greets, where you give out a business card and shake a few hands. Physically meeting or being introduced to someone tends to stick them in a more permanent place in our minds. Imagine expanding your sphere of influence past just friends and family to include a network of professionals who are looking for such connections and can help generate leads for you!

Local fairs and business seminars are great ways to get in front of people. Volunteer to teach a class about navigating final expense or preneed insurance at your local community center or set up a booth on Saturday at the hardware store. Sometimes, generating leads just means getting out and “hitting the pavement,” so to speak. School districts are always holding community events and are usually desperate for volunteers or participants. Remember, everybody can benefit from insurance, so everybody is a potential lead.

Show Up When You Partner Up

Consider locations and businesses that would naturally draw people who are likely clients for final expense or preneed insurance. Speak with your city or county senior center about potential presentations, putting out flyers, or even volunteering your time just to get to know the senior community. You probably already have contacts who would love to partner up with you—look at your contact list or your rolodex through the lens of partnership opportunities. There are untouched resources at nursing homes, funeral homes, physical therapy offices, you name it! If you can get referrals from a partner who gives you more visibility, you’ll find clients both passively and organically.

Visibility Through Volunteerism

Giving back to the community and dedicating your time to helping others is something we all should do more often. Participating in a non-profit organization, for example, is a great way to make connections, strengthen your reputation, and get your name out there in a positive way. The more people who know you, even if it’s not in a strictly professional capacity, the more potential referrals they can send your way. There are so many opportunities for good people to spread good in the world and taking action toward more service can only improve your visibility in the community.

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