10 Comforting Things to Say to a Grieving Person

10 Comforting Things to Say to a Grieving Person Do you know what you should and shouldn't say? Today we explore part two of this series on what to say to a grieving person. When offering condolences, there are plenty of things not to say to a grieving person; finding the right words can be harder. A risk we take is to be well-intentioned but our words come out misguided.

Offering Condolences:
Do you know what you should and shouldn't say?

When offering condolences, there are plenty of things not to say to a grieving person; finding the right words can be harder. A risk we take is to be well-intentioned but our words come out misguided, suggesting to the bereaved person that there’s a “right” way to grieve. (There isn’t.)

Today we explore part two of this series, last week we looked at 10 Things to Never Say to a Grieving Person.

Here Are 10 Helpful Phrases to Say to a Grieving Person

  1. “I’m so sorry for your loss.” It’s short, sweet, heartfelt, and always welcomed.
  2. “Please know that I’m here for you.” It never hurts to remind someone in pain of your friendship, no matter how close you are.
  3. “You’re in my thoughts and prayers.” Even people who aren’t religious are unlikely to be offended if they know you’re sincere (or leave off the “prayers” if you think they might be).
  4. “Remember you can call me at any hour.” Alternately, be specific: “You know I’m always up till midnight.” Or, “It’s never too early in the morning to call.”
  5. “She was such a wonderful person.” Don’t worry that you’ll make the bereaved person think about the loved one by bringing up positive reminisces; you can rest assured he or she is always in mind already.
  6. “I don’t know what to say.” Admitting you’re tongue-tied about offering condolences is better than falling back on a platitude.
  7. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through.” Candor when you give condolence beats comparing the death with your own stories of loss.
  8. “Would you like to talk about it? I’m listening.” Provide a gentle opening for the person to share turbulent emotions, if desired.
  9. “How are you feeling — really?” A more pointed invitation to unload may be welcomed by some; just don’t press.
  10. “I’ve brought you a meal to eat or freeze; it’s in disposable containers so you don’t have to return anything.” Better than asking, “How can I help?” is to step in with concrete help: bringing a meal, or some basic groceries the next time you do your own grocery shopping; or showing up to mow the lawn. Offering condolences is an act of kindness; actionable acts of kindness give both condolence and practical support.

The previous suggestions offered kindness and compassion. However, there is one thing I would like you to keep in mind, sometimes you don’t have to say anything at all; when it comes to condolences, a hug is often worth a thousand words.

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